
Judgment is the certain result of sin.
God is longsuffering, not willing that any should perish.

​  Jeremiah was of priestly descent, and born at Anathoth, a Levitical city a few miles northeast of Jerusalem. His commission was given him in very early life, and continued through the reigns of five kings for forty troubled years. He had neither wife nor child. His love was concentrated on his people, who ill requited it. The men of Anathoth sought his life. He was assailed with misrepresentation, bitter persecution, and murderous hate. He nearly lost his life under the displeasure of the King and princes, at whose command he was cast into a miry dungeon. He lived to see a faint gleam of returning prosperity overcast by the crimes of Ishmael and his fellow-conspirators.
   He was a sensitive, delicately organized man, to whom it must have been a matter of peculiar trial to be called upon to play so prominent a part in those dark and stormy times, and to be “an iron pillar, and brasen walls against the whole land” (Jeremiah 1:18). But he is an evidence of what may be done by a man in whom the Spirit of God resides in mighty, living force. Tradition states that he died in Egypt, stoned by his fellow-countrymen. It has been often said that there are few Old Testament saints who afford more points of likeness to our Lord than does Jeremiah. —Through the Bible Day by Day 

The Prophet of Judah’s Downfall and Restoration

I. Denunciation of Judah, Jeremiah 1-33
   1. The Prophet’s Call and Commission, Jeremiah 1
   2. The Nation’s Apostasy, Jeremiah 2-20
   3. The Sins of Her Leaders, Jeremiah 21-23
   4. The Impending Judgment, Jeremiah 24-29
   5. The Promise of Restoration, Jeremiah 30-33
II. The Infliction of Judgment, Jeremiah 34-45
   1. The Immediate Occasion of Judgment, Jeremiah 34-38
   2. The Destruction of Jerusalem, Jeremiah 39
   3. The Wretched Condition of the Remnant, Jeremiah 40-45
III. Prophecies against the Nations, Jeremiah 46-51
   1. Egypt, Jeremiah 46
   2. Philistia, Jeremiah 47
   3. Moab, Ammon, and Edom, Jeremiah 48:1-49:22
   4. Syria and Elam, Jeremiah 49:23-39
   5. Babylon, Jeremiah 50, 51
Appendix (from II Kings 24:18 – 25:30), Jeremiah 52 —Through the Bible Day by Day