
Christ’s ministers should follow the divine order as revealed in the Epistles, for the conduct of the Church.

   We know very little of Titus. Though never mentioned in the Acts, he seems to have been one of the most trusted and best beloved members of the noble little band of Paul’s friends and disciples. As he was a Greek by birth, Paul took him to Jerusalem on that memorable visit referred to in Galatians 2:3. The bond between them was very close (Titus 1:4). Titus was sent 3 times to Corinth on special embassies, during the troubles of that distracted church (2 Corinthians 7-8). The last mention of him is in connection with the visit to Dalmatia, during Paul’s 2nd imprisonment (2 Timothy 4:10).
   This Epistle guides Titus in the right ordering of the churches in Crete, which may have owed their foundation to the Cretan Jews, who are mentioned as having heard Peter’s pentecostal sermon. Paul had evidently visited the island himself, but had been obliged to leave the consolidation of the work with his friend (Titus 1:5). The Epistle was warmly admired by Luther, who says: “This is a short Epistle, but it contains such a quintessence of Christian doctrine, and is composed in such a masterly manner, that it contains all that is needful for Christian knowledge and life.” (Meyer)

The Work of the Ministry

Salutation, Titus 1:1-4

1. The Character of a Bishop, Titus 1:5-10
2. Those Who Need Reproof, Titus 1:11-16
3. Training the Church to Be Zealous of Good Works, Titus 2
4. The Christian Motive, Titus 3:1-11
5. Personal Matters, Titus 3:12-14

Conclusion, Titus 3:15 – Through the Bible Day by Day