Psalm 70

God sometimes delays help to His own people that He might excite earnest desires on their part.
A heart to love His salvation and to desire His glory before our own is a good earnest of the answer to prayer and of His good will toward us.
Rest assured that the enemies of Christ will have wages for their work.

1 Make haste, O God, to deliver me; make haste to help me, O LORD.

2 Let them be ashamed and confounded that seek after my soul: let them be turned backward, and put to confusion, that desire my hurt.

3 Let them be turned back for a reward of their shame that say, Aha, aha.

4 Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: and let such as love thy salvation say continually, Let God be magnified.

5 But I am poor and needy: make haste unto me, O God: thou art my help and my deliverer; O LORD, make no tarrying.

Psalm 70 – “My Help and My Deliverer”

   This psalm repeats the closing verses of Psalm 40. It is a song of remembrance to remind Jehovah of His suffering ones. See Isaiah 43:26; 62:6-7.

Psalm 70:1
   God’s help is often delayed till the morning-watch, but it is never too late. He is hastening on the wings of the wind and walking across the waves to the tossing boat. Psalm 70:2, 3. Wicked spirits, as well as evil men, seek after our soul to destroy it. But our shame would be God’s dishonor. We may therefore plead for His Name’s sake.

Psalm 70:4
   Before we actually find God, we are blessed in the act of seeking Him. If you are only a seeker, you may rejoice. If only we had Mary’s heart of love, we could join in her “Magnificat,” Luke 1:46-55, and add similar songs of our own. Psalm 70:5. Happy are they who have learned to glory in their infirmities and to use them as arguments with God. Are you poor and needy? Turn to Psalm 72:4, and learn that a Helper and Deliverer is provided. The more helpless you are, the better your suit with God in prayer. —Through the Bible Day by Day

Psalm 70:5—Make haste unto me, O God.

​   “Make haste!” Our frail patience gives out full often. We think that God is never coming. So many days I have waited for Thee, and as yet there has not been one symptom of thine approach. Why are thy chariots so tardy? Lazarus is dying; a few hours more, and life will have ebbed away. Provisions are failing and water is scarce, and still the enemy is entrenched in proud security. The world scoffs; but Thou comest not down the mountain slope, bringing salvation. Where is the Pentecost of which Thou speakest? Where thy Second Advent?
   But God is making haste. On the wings of every hour, quicker than light leaps from world to world, He is on his way. Delays are not denials, but are necessary to the perfecting of his arrangements. “Behold, I come quickly” is still true, though nineteen hundred years have passed (Revelation 3:11; 22:7, 12).
   We do not wish the destruction of our enemies, but their salvation. We long that God should be magnified, and souls saved. We yearn for the set. ting up of the Kingdom of God, which is peace on earth, and blessing. And for this end we desire that God should accelerate his coming. O God, make no tarrying! Thine enemies boast themselves; our spirits faint for fear; men are sinking into perdition. Make haste!
   Thy God will not be a moment overdue. When the fourth watch breaks, He will interpose. Not too soon for education; not too late for deliverance. But dare to believe that He is never absent. He is near thee all the while, bending over thee and all men, with tender pity, only waiting till He can see, with infallible wisdom, the best instant to interfere. —Our Daily Homily